Your Free Guide to using Montessori hacks around your home!
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I support Christian Mums as you discern God's calling for you in this season of your life while continuing to nourish your family.
Hi, I am Kate Cavanagh. I take the best of Montessori and Christian children's spirituality theory to identify tools to lighten your load and live life to the full.
Created with love, from my real experiences:
this guide will gift you with a deeper understanding of the abilities and motivating drives at work in your children. It contains Three Concrete Invitations on things we can pay attention to, in order to start putting Montessori Theory to work in your home with your children.
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I would love for you to join us as we question and pray and discuss and wonder our way towards discovering God's vision for our parenting. You can unsubscribe at any time.
I, Kate Cavanagh, will send you emails containing advice, ideas and interviews as well as information about free and paid services and trainings. You can unsubscribe at any time. I value your privacy and will process your data in accordance with my Privacy Policy.