This rollercoaster is FAST but FEAR does NOT have to win

It is 7am on one of my husband’s precious holiday days and I wrench open the curtains, fling the window wide and shove an (unwanted) hot cup of tea at him.  My sleeping husband had been promised a holiday lie-in and here was I, demanding his full attention and saying:

  “Get up, we need to buy a trampoline.  Now!”.  

You see, I had checked my phone way too late the previous night, had been swallowed up by hysteria and fake news, and was now convinced the world was about to end.  Or at least be on military lock-down by lunchtime.  By which time it was absolutely necessary for us to have bought a very large trampoline for our very small garden.    

At least that is what my fear-stricken brain had decided!  

Completely illogical, I know.  However, at the time, these thoughts felt so real and I did not recognise them for the lies that they were.  It felt so true, so real, so necessary that it absolutely MUST be acted on RIGHT-NOW.    

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The ways God delivers help and sustenance and inspiration…

Help, Sustenance and Inspiration(

Has God ever delivered help or affirmation to you?

I’ve been contemplating on the ways God delivers help and sustenance and inspiration.  Over the years I have collected some great experiences of people-met, gifts-received, books-recommended and conversations-enjoyed.  

Some of these experiences have fulfilled-a-need, others have changed-my-thinking and all have increased my strength and faith.    

And recently, some great seven-year olds helped me explore: 

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How does your current God-challenge feel?..

Current God-Challenge

Have you ever wondered what it was like to follow Moses through the Red Sea?  I am so curious, was it a neat and calm experience or did chaos and noise abound?

The films and Bible picture-books differ on this one.  Some show friendly-looking fish peering through walls of water flanking relaxed-looking Israelites sauntering through the sea.  

Others show a full storm, sharks snarling from the waters, and fully-adrenalined Israelites running for their lives.

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